Reflecting on 2023’s Milestones and Setting the Stage for 2024

December 31, 2023



Foundational Team and Project Planning: We established our core team, assembling a group of skilled professionals dedicated to driving our project forward. This Team Setup was fundamental in creating a collaborative and efficient working environment.

Detailed Project Planning: Our approach included a thorough decomposition of project tasks. This meticulous planning phase allowed us to break down complex objectives into manageable parts, ensuring clarity and focus for each team member.

In-Depth Market Analysis: We conducted extensive Market Research to align our strategies with current market trends and customer needs. This research was instrumental in shaping our project’s direction, ensuring that our efforts were well-informed and targeted for maximum impact.


Infrastructure and Bot Development: We successfully set up a Chainstack node, a crucial step in enhancing our infrastructure’s robustness and reliability.

Bot Performance Optimization: Significant progress was made in the performance tuning of our MEV bot. We focused on refining its operational efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring it meets our high standards.

Bot Logic Implementation: The basic logic of the MEV bot was implemented and rigorously tested. This foundational step was key in establishing the bot’s functional capabilities.

Opportunity Analysis: Our team conducted a thorough investigation into the low number of opportunities encountered by the bot. This analysis was crucial in identifying and addressing potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies in our strategy.

Transaction Delay Investigation: We also delved into investigating transaction delay issues. This was a vital part of our effort to ensure seamless and prompt transaction processing, crucial for maintaining competitive edge in our operations


Operational Efficiency Enhancements: Our team focused on accelerating transaction processing, significantly reducing wait times and increasing overall system efficiency.

MEV Transaction Milestones: We achieved our first successful MEV transactions, a pivotal moment that demonstrated the effectiveness of our trading strategies and technological capabilities.

Integration with Communication Platforms: A key advancement was the implementation of MEV notifications to Discord.

Refining User Engagement: We also made notable changes to our Discord messaging, improving clarity and engagement with our users.


Infrastructure and Operational Enhancements: A significant focus was placed on establishing a robust blockchain infrastructure, laying a solid foundation for advanced functionalities and greater efficiency.

MEV Trading Innovations: We achieved a notable milestone in our trading capabilities by successfully making a MEV on both the buy and sell sides.

Erigon Node and Virtualization: A major technological leap was the setup and operation of our own Erigon blockchain node, enhancing our autonomy and control over blockchain operations. Complementing this, we configured a dedicated VM (Virtual Machine) specifically for the Erigon blockchain node, ensuring optimal performance and stability.

Performance Analysis and Research: Our team conducted an in-depth investigation into slow transaction processing, aiming to optimize speed and reliability. Concurrently, we delved into researching the MEV Huff contract, seeking to understand and leverage its potential fully.

Bot Upgrades and Trading Enhancements: Regular updates were applied to our bot, keeping it at the forefront of technological advancements. We marked a significant achievement with our first tokenized MEV, integrating modern trading practices into our operations.

Operational Efficiency: We closely monitored and addressed block delays, ensuring smooth and timely transaction processing. The implementation of a Token Whitelist was another key step towards refined operational control.

Feature Integration: A major development was the merging of multi-meat MEV features, this feature allows us to combine multiple MEV transactions into 1 transaction.


Strategic Enhancements and Service Integration: This period was marked by significant advancements in our project’s capabilities. We successfully implemented multi-swap MEV within a single transaction, a feature that greatly enhances transaction efficiency and user experience.

Block Builder Service: Our team established a block builder service, a crucial step towards streamlining and optimizing our blockchain operations. This service plays a pivotal role in managing and executing complex transactions more effectively.

Contract Developments: We undertook critical changes to our contract, followed by a strategic redeployment. These modifications were aimed at improving functionality and adapting to the evolving needs of our platform.

Liquidity Pool Utilization: The contract was updated to incorporate different liquidity pools.

Simulation and Execution Updates: We refined the simulation process for our multi-meat sandwich feature, ensuring more accurate and efficient operational testing. Additionally, the bundle preparation process was updated for multi-meat execution.


Third-Party Wallets and Blockchain Upgrade: Successfully approved third-party wallets, and upgraded our blockchain infrastructure to a Geth node.

Transaction and Contract Enhancements: Streamlined transaction processes by adding support for taxes token usage, and differentiated searcher addresses for frontrun and backrun transactions. Developed a gas-efficient MEV contract and the base version of the Sniper Router, optimizing costs and trading strategies.

Trading Tools and Liquidity Management: Enabled the use of Uniswap V2/V3 liquidity pools in single transactions, and started running block builder services for improved transaction assembly. Launched the Multi-Meat Sandwich V2, and updated the MEV smart contract, enhancing trading options and strategies.

Testing, Deployment, and Bot Integration: Conducted extensive testing of multi-meat functionality, and addressed issues with taxed token processing. Simulated transactions using third-party wallets and deployed a user-friendly Telegram bot. Improved multi-meat transaction efficiency and diversified MEV transaction senders. Experimented with the Geth client for the Bot and integrated the Bot with Block Builder for optimal performance.

Operational Efficiency and User Interface: Refined profit calculations, collected token dust on CA, and worked on increasing the percentage of included bundles. Developed a router contract with customizable inputs for gas fees, slippage, and transaction amounts, enhancing user control and transaction efficiency.


Token Launch and Approvals: Celebrated the launch of our token and secured MEV TG token approval. Focused on the collection of MEV dust and enhancing the gas efficiency of our MEV contract.

Security and Optimization: Implemented measures for MEV protection from malicious tokens and tested the combination of MEV and Sniper as a proof of concept.

Token Approval and Transaction Efficiency: Advanced our system with the implementation of Token Approval and an automatic search for token approvals. Further optimized gas usage in our MEV CA and developed a script to generate buy and sell transactions.

System Safety and Integration: Updated the Salmonella Inspector for enhanced security, including protection against Ice Phishing attacks. Combined MEVs and Sniper transactions into a single bundle for streamlined operations.

Testing and User Interface: Conducted tests on enabling trading plus Sniper transactions. Implemented a user-friendly Telegram Bot (UI) and resolved the MEV Invalid Jump Error, ensuring smoother and more reliable operations.”


Alpha Testing Advanced Features: As we moved towards the year’s end, we conducted Closed Alpha Testing, marking a critical phase of development. Our technical enhancements included integrating Router functionalities with Uniswap V2 and V3, along with added features like miner tips and reorg protection.

Sniper Module Innovations: We achieved significant milestones with the Sniper module, enabling token sniping in the first block, along with manual buy and sell options. The token snipe feature was further enhanced with an auto-buy function, reflecting our commitment to advanced trading strategies.

Web and User Interface Development: A preliminary Web UI draft was completed, bringing us closer to a user-friendly interface. Additionally, we focused on efficient dust collection and tested the Token Approval functionality, ensuring seamless user experience.

Token Launch and Core Features: The launch of the XCeption token was a standout event, supported by scripts specifically designed for its release. We implemented secure Wallet PK storage and released the XCeption, marking a significant achievement in our project.

Core Trading Capabilities: We enhanced our core functionalities with manual buy/sell options for tokens and the capability to snipe tokens in the first block. Our Router was upgraded to support Uniswap V3, pay tips to BlockBuilder, and offer reorganization protection.

Telegram Integration: We made significant strides in integrating Telegram functionalities, enabling users to view their snipes list and configure snipe settings, thus offering a more interactive and personalized experience.

2024 Roadmap: Expanding Horizons and Enhancing Capabilities

Open Beta Testing & Bot Development:

  • Develop and launch the ArbCeption our Arbitrage Bot, a cutting-edge tool for arbitrage opportunities.
  • Commence Open Beta Testing to gather user feedback and optimize performance.

Enhancing User Interface and Bot Functionality:

  • Finalize the development of the Telegram UI, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Upgrade the MEV Bot to incorporate Flash Swaps and Flast arbitrage enhancing its trading capabilities.

Infrastructure Enhancement:

  • Set up a comprehensive infrastructure including a robust Database, a secure Secret Manager, an efficient Queue system, the Firewallet, and a Health Check system to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operations.

Integrated Testing Sessions:

  • Conduct rigorous testing sessions combining the Sniper Bot, MEV Bot, and Telegram UI. This will ensure the seamless integration and functionality of these components.

Web UI Development:

  • Implement the main functionality of the Web UI, focusing on user-friendly design and essential features to enhance user interaction and engagement.

Public Release of our bot tools:

TradeCeption, CopyCeption, MarketCeption, and MevCeption, ArbCeption will all be available for public use.

Our 2024 plan is geared towards technological innovation, user experience enhancement, and the implementation of groundbreaking trading strategies. We aim to solidify our position as a leader in the field and provide our users with the most advanced and efficient tools in the market.